Schimbarea la fata a cartierului Pantelimon

Cartierul Pantelimon a fost ocolit de proiectele maretilor investitori spre deosebire de Militari, de exemplu, unde mall-urile se intrec care sa fie mai mari, mai inalte, si asa mai departe.

Bineinteles, ca dezvoltarea partii de est a orasului a fost numai o chestiune de timp, si uite ca timpul a venit. Va voi prezenta doua proiecte mari care isi propun sa schimbe infatisarea cartierului.

Primul apartine unor investitori privati care vor sa construiasca pe platforma fostei uzinei Electroparataj (demolata anul trecut) un mall de nici mai mult, nici mai putin 7 hectare. Mallul va avea subsol (cu trei etaje), parter şi două etaje supraterane, precum şi o parcare de 3.000 de locuri si se pare ca va fi gata in 2014. Pe langa mall, va aparea si un nou hipermarket, cu toate ca mai exista unul in zona, nu foarte departe, la capatul tramvaiului 14.

Si apropo de hypermarketurile din Bucuresti, de aici am aflat ca in urmatorii ani mai sunt in plan sa apara alte 7, pe langa cele circa 20 deja existente.

Mai multe detalii gasiti despre mall din Pantelimon gasiti aici si aici.

Cel de-al doilea proiect apartine municipalitatii care vrea sa investeasca 70 milioane euro pentru refacerea carosabilului pe Sos. Pantelimon si Iancului si sa construiasca un punct intermodal in fata hypermarketului Cora de la capatul tramvaiului 14.

In punctul intermodal vor opri toate mijloacele de transport in comun, precum si metroul atunci cand va fi realizat (personal nu cred ca mai repede de zece ani).

Pe carosabil vor fi modificate liniile de tramvai si de autobuz astfel:

1.linia de tramvai, de pe mijlocul bulevardului, va fi inaltata cativa centimetri astfel incat sa nu poata urca masinile si va fi inverzita prin plantarea de gazon

2.statiile de autobuz si tramvai vor avea copertine

3.cele 2 sosele vor fi introduse in sistemul inteligent de management al traficului, fiind montate semafoare inteligente care isi schimba timpii de asteptare in functie de valorile de trafic.

Curios mi se pare ca nu scrie nimic de pistele pentru biciclisti. Mai multe detalii gasiti aici.

Cocalari - pictures by Alfredo D'Amato

"Many families who lost their homes following the fall of Ceausescu in 1989 finally settled in the suburbs of Bucharest, populating the familiar towerblocks of the communist regime. Others were not so fortunate.

In Calea Vacaresti, south east of the capital, four families have made their homes in the dried out basin of an artificial lake, constructing shacks from bricks, plastic and cartons in which to live. Unregistered at birth, the poorest people of Romania are not even citizens in their own country.

When the weather permits, they dig for scraps of iron, copper and aluminium to sell to local car wreckers, but the advent of winter renders the frozen earth impenetrable. With sheets of plastic serving as windows, the temperature inside the shacks is no different to that outside, maybe 20 or 25 degrees celsius below. Anything and everything is burnt in a bid for warmth. The five

children who live on the site do not leave their sheds all winter, breathing in fumes from scraps of rubber and plastic bubbling in the flames.

The bed being carried across the tramlines will serve as fuel not sanctuary. Clothes are removed and thrown onto the fire too. Five-year-old Corina and her younger brother Claudiu both experienced problems with walking development, as a result of their enforced winter confinement.

The first time Corina walked on flat ground, she fell over; her formative steps were taken on the lakeside at a 45 degree angle. Grandmother Eliana is their sole guardian; their father is in jail, their mother long since disappeared. Eliana’s biggest fear is that the police will come and smash up their home, as part of their annual spring ‘clean-up’ campaigns. Her one wish is to live in a council house, like the ones she can see across the basin through her plastic windows.

Lele, a 33-year-old Romanian Gypsy of the Cocalaripeople, does not complain about life in the basin, in as much as he is accepting of an unconventional lifestyle.

But accustomed to communal living, it is the isolation he finds difficult for himself and his young family.

In summertime, Lele and the other men can sometimes get black market work. They travel into the city where they build big houses for the better-off of Bucharest."

Details about Alfredo D'Amato's book here.

Back to the future

Csegzi Kamilla, Hoffman Alexandru and Moldovanu Vladimir design for eVolo’s 2010 Skyscraper Competition. Details here and here.

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