Prof. Dr. Ing. Andrea Haase
Space – City of Bucuresti
Urban spaces are considered mainly by applying the theory of Henri Lefebvre, distinguishing the aspects of spatial practices, representation of spaces (implemented concepts) and representational spaces (images of unfulfilled needs, advertisement, uncontrolled impacts of the economy…). In addition to this classical approach, the current discussions about “time structures” and “time in place“, referring to Läpple, D., as well as the ongoing processes of differentiating spaces, referring to Müller, M. and his distinction of three basic historical periods of the “production of space” and its political appliance of aesthetics (the social, the political and the economic model), build the basis for the following conclusions.
In Bucuresti, public and private spaces are characterized by political interventions from different periods cutting differently into originally homogeneous contexts of small-spatial mixtures of uses and of social groups within the topography of a former beauty of nature to both the sides of the crossing river-valley. The riversides, having given the primary orientation for the settlement structure by late medieval times, have been completely cut off the urban fabric by artificial channelling systems of the Ceaucescu-era: The river is hardly to be seen in the city.
Industrialization has introduced the position to ignore natural bindings and to turn any orientation of urban structure onto nature and topography worldwide onto an optimization of organising functions spatially only for the benefit of economic profit by exhausting the natural and man-made resources of space which had been defining urban conditions so far.
See the whole study
[via Cristi Neagoe]