is an amazing tool, finally a street view website for Bucharest, with photos taken on the main roads, one of the best ways to find a location, especially in a city where signs with street names are lacking.
Shame the search doesnt really work properly but anyway have a look, explore and enjoy!

You can see the wonderful way in which the pavements are taken over by cars!

Explore the architectural delights, like this Horia Creanga building. Or simply use to find the way to
Pisica Patrata exhibition in Galeria Mora which is located in this building.

Enjoy the typical stray dogs sight of the city you love to hate.
O mica precizare: casa in care e Galeria Mora e proiectata de Marcel Iancu, nu Horia Creanga.
PArca erau ceva probleme legale cu chestia asta in EU, vad ca s-or rezolvat ?
Am o mica rugaminte, daca vreti sa raspundeti la un mic chestionar despre profilul identitar al blogerilor
E pentru lucrarea de licenta. Puteti sa il dati si mai departe.
Merci mult si sa fiti iubiti!
buc in 1964
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