Teatru de Vara

for sure one of the most impressive moments on the walks through bukresh. thanks to v. for the advice.
what a beautiful place but how sad the current state.


Metropotam este un nou site despre Bucuresti. Cu scuze pentru intarziere ii salutam si le multumim ca ne fac sa iubim Bucurestiul mai mult in fiecare zi.

I <3 Cluj

Someone on Calea Grivitei hearts Cluj.


Cladirea IDEB de pe Hristo Botev - unul dintre cele mai bune exemple de arhitectura reusita din anii '70 va fi acoperita cu sticla si transformata intr-o mizerie "moderna". Ne cacam in el de mozaic si in numele 'modernizarii' ne cacam in istoria arhitecturii.

Lacul Morii

Lacul Morii - sambata 28 mai ora 18.00 (cred)

Structura pe Buzesti

Atras de cateva graffiti-uri am fost si am explorat cladirea asta de pe Buzesti. Panorama de la ultimele etaje e destul de impresionanta...

Slovak tourists paint Bukresh metro

click here vor the vid
+ check out this funny train filmed by ergo of Bucharest Business


Slightly exaggerated and a bit nationalist but fun. Check out this video about Romania on feeder.

Write 4 Gold

Weekendul trecut a avut loc in Herestrau etapa nationala a concursului Write 4 Gold - cica cel mai important concurs de graffiti din lume. Castigatorii au fost Misfix crew din Bukresh - cei mai tineri din concurs! In general nivelul concurentilor a fost f ridicat si evenimentul in sine o reusita! Misfix vor pleca la festivalul Splash din Germania pentru finala.

Cel mai bun falafel din Bukresh

Se gaseste la BABA (localul unui evreu), pe Eminescu 40. Cica si kebabul e bun. Daca mai stiti si alte locuri ziceti.

A propos de Coke

A propos de noua reclama Coca Cola uite ce e peste drum. Oricum nu m-as mira ca uzina chimica din Oradea sa faca astazi Coca Cola ;)

Doamnelor si domnilor, criminalul nr1

Adrian Bold este arhitectul sef al capitalei. Intr-un articol din EVZ vorbeste despre spagi cu o relaxare absolut dezarmanta. Nu s-au inventat injuraturile pe care as vrea sa i lea dresez acestui vierme. Iata un mic fragment din interviu:
Cat timp va mai vedeti arhitect-sef al Capitalei?
Cand o sa ma simt inutil o sa plec.

Imi cer scuze ca ma repet dar e absolut dezarmnat.
[foto luata cu nerusinare din EVZ]

New Coca Cola Ad

Although 'slightly' exagerated in size and a bit annoying with it's arrogance i somehow like it... at least for the debate it might raise in terms of the redefinition of the architecture of a building.
Seeing it from the perspective of the 12th floor in a distant building it really shows its size... This Motor Oil pop drink can be a bit of a shocker :))

Street art?

Nope, the lights in Bukresh are all given numbers... Looks pretty cool, though... A bit like Above's stuff... Btw, Above will visit Bukresh this summer...

H5 comes to Bukresh

Yes, ladies and gents, the bird flu is here. Lets give it warm welcome!

There's always a solution...

When there's a problem, there's always a solution. Brilliant way of sorting out the problem of the ever invading advertising in Bukresh... I wonder if they also fixed the problem with the light at night.
[Spotted near Piata Unirii]

there are more...!

the taberei armadillo gang ist not completed yet. i´ll find them all!

Secretul din gradina

Lumea nu stie exact care-i treaba cu Str Arthur Verona, nici macar cei care au fost acolo weekendul trecut. Cei mai multi stiu ca strada va fi inchisa traficului auto si cativa stiu ca se va face un pasaj pietonal pe sub bulevardul Magheru. Sunt foarte putini cei care stiu ca de fapt tinta finala a proiectului 'cultural' strada Arthur Verona este ridicarea unei cladiri de birouri pe Magheru.

Saptamana trecuta pe str. Arthur Verona

Ceea ce a fost pe strada Arthur Verona saptamana trecuta s-a intamplat datorita efortului sustinut al catorva persoane. Au reusit sa stranga pe o strada diferite culturi si subculturi ale Bucurestiului chiar daca totul era intr-o forma organizata cu aprobabre de la primarie... Nu stiu daca cineva va avea curajul sa ocupe o strada pentru exprimarea culturala si se va lupta cu 'autoritatile' pentru asta... Desi totul avea un aer oarecum artificial acolo s-au intamplat chestii misto...
Proiectul Str. Arthur Verona de fapt impacheteaza cultural constructia unui bloc turn pe Bulevardul Magheru si alte cateva cladiri de birouri...

[in fotografii: Videanu cu doi regi: unul mc din CTC, celalalt regele metroului; zidul cu graffiti; cote si instlatia lui sonora)

Tzeapa lui Ghildus din nou atinsa

Daca la un moment dat cineva a facut graffiti pe tzeapa si nu am apucat sa ne dam seama cine si ce a facut de data asta am reusit... Ieri pe la pranz am dat de stencilul asta cu 3 layere (ceea ce inseamna ca a durat ceva pana cand a fost facut)... Cu ajutorul lui Oli am aflat ca imaginea este a personajului central din filmul V is for Vendetta. Nu stiu care este legatura cu tzeapa lui Ghildus si de ce tocmai acolo a fost facut dar apreciem curajul celui/celei care a facut stencilul.

Calcanul de pe Arthur Verona

Inca nu e gata dar incepe sa arate din ce in ce mai bine. Primul zid desenat legal cred ca reuseste sa arate celor care inca nu erau convinsi ca graffiti-ul poate arata bine... Daca aveti idei de locuri de desenat sau daca aveti ziduri si vreti sa le schimbati fata atunci dati un semn!

romanian way of fundraising

at the front door of my bloc, between the refrigerators from the non stop mini market in the entrance and the little newspaper kiosk is permanently standing a man with a small table. he sells batteries, mobile supplies, water pumps, superglue and some other not quite usefull stuff.

the security guy from pizza hut at the nearby corner is mostly talking with the man from the table or he is sitting at the back entrance from the kitchen, smoking in the sun. once i asked him what he is actually guarding, because i found him sitting in the newspaper kiosk together with the seller, when i wanted to buy a paper.
„mai sint hoti la restaurant, acolo lucrez eu, pentru ca sa niemen nu fure ceva.“
i waited for the bus and i thought if i ever saw him anywhere else than on the street and not inside the pizza hut.

with the man from the small table i made a deal six weeks ago. i bought a rotten bicycle on the piata obor and he wanted to fix it for me, so i can use it and it belongs to him when i am going back to hamburg. since two weeks i do not even asked anymore if he makes some progresses at the repairs.

last week, we had a chat about bucuresti. where he lives, what i have seen so far and so on. Then he wanted to know more detailed, what i actually do here. I told him that i am walking around a lot, doing photografs, meeting some people, all because i want to make this movie next year and i am here on something like a research trip.

„cine va cumpar filmul“ he asked immediatly and i recognized, that i´m talking to a businessman.. „nu stiu“ and i didn´t ever thought about that question. „i am student, this will be a final year project, so first of all, it´s a work of my interests and not of a big business“
„how much do you need“, he asked. I´m surprised and definitly not prepared for this. i said, i didn´t thought about this so far and i wanted to know, why he is so interested, if maybe he wants to give me some money.
„no, not me“ he replied, „but i have a neighbor in the bloc, who made some good business after the revolution, you know. he is an honest guy with a lot of money. He just bought a huge VW Touareg offroad car.
first of all i thought, why should anybody with a Touareg, after 15 years of good business still live in a bloc of flats and not in pipera. then i asked, why this guy should give me any money.
„because he is very interested in social and cultural projects and he already sponsored some things in the neighborhood where we live.“
„what kind of business is that“ i wanted to know.
he told me something about import-export and a cargo company, but that he is good guy. for sure. i mentioned that i not really think, that he is going to give me anything.

„but how much do need, come on say something“ he insisted.
i babbled something about accomodation and travelling for 3 or maybe 4 persons, to pay permissions and helping hands. then he cuts me off: „you need rental cars, film footage and to pay the development.“ i just thought again that i´m not prepared for this kind of business negociation, and i replied, „well, we will shoot on video but with all these things, including the rental cars of course, might be something up to 10.000 EUR.
„what, not more?“. he stared at me. i asked myself, where this talk will end or if i should have said i need more.

„ok, to summarize all this“ he said, „that i can tell to my neighbor. you´re the director and the producer, so you decide what appears in the movie“
i still thought about the words director and producer and said then, „Well of course there will be his name and the logo of his company at the credit list.“
„yeah, because this will be good advertising for him, even if you try to sell the movie to romanian television: PRO TV, Antena 1, TVR. And maybe you can put the logo in the beginning also, and you can fade it in for a minute after half an hour, because you need to make offers too.“
somehow he recognized that i didn´t like this idea so much and he just said: „but this are all things you have to negociate with him."

we said good bye after he told me, that he will try to arrange a meeting for me with his neighbor at the pizza hut.
in the lift, i thought about asking the security guy, if he likes to be exceptionally inside the restaurant that day.

Calcanul de pe Verona

Calcanul de pe Strada Verona care este cunoscut mai ales din cauza billboardului echipei de la Cohn + Jansen va fi transformat astazi si maine in prima productie de graffiti adevarata din Bukresh. Este primul zid desenat legal si toata povestea este inclusa in proiectul cultural strada Arthur Verona.

Alexandar Zograf despre Bukresh

Alexandar Zograf este unul dintre cei mai misto artisti de comics din lume. A fost la un moment dat in Bucuresti invitat de prietenii de la Hardcomics...
Hardcomics au lansat ieri numarul 6 al colectiei, de data asta o antologie. Cumparati-o si veti gasi nu numai povestea lui Zograf despre Bucuresti dar si multe alte povesti misto!