Slovak tourists paint Bukresh metro

click here vor the vid
+ check out this funny train filmed by ergo of Bucharest Business


Anonymous said...

am uitat limba romana?

Anonymous said...

So, the policy of this site is:

You do not approve of any modern buildings that might make this shit hole a better place to live in, but you do approve of graffitti and the cretins who carry out such vandalism?

Vlad Nancă said...

We have enough modern buildings that need to be renovated and looked after... They are true masterpieces of architecture and were built during modernism. If to you modern muildings mean glass and steel crap then you might have a problem of understanding modernism. They make Bukresh look like a shithole by every inch that it's being built. If you think they will make Bukresh a better place to live in then that's just silly. As for graffiti well, it is nothing but culture whether you like it or not or whether you understand it or not. It is a layer of social and cultural expression which a city cannot avoid. Vandalism is covering buildings with adverts, intruding people's intimacy with adverts, covering a whole city with adverts.

Anonymous said...

am marii dubii in legatura cu capacitatea ta de a judeca arhitectura vlad, .... asta este parerea tuturor contribuitorilor la acest blog?

Anonymous said...

Bukresh este un oras varza, 80% commie buildings! Idee pentru Vlad, daca tot vrei sa faci ceva pentru orasul asta, pune un site cu aceste modernist "masterpieces of architecture", aratele valoarea, incepe un grass-roots movement. Daca tu nu ai timp, coopteaza pe altcineva, sau alfel zis put your money where your mouth is!

Anonymous said...

Cum exact difera graffiti de reclamele din oras? Ambele niste porcarii care-ti deranjeaza ochii. Macar reclamele arata cat de cat bine fata de acelasi scris lesinat pe care-l vezi peste tot care acum este la rangul de arta/cultura.

Oricum o mare realizare cea a turistului strain care a mazgalit un metrou in Romania. Intr-adevar ceva deosebit. Sarim cu un premiu, ceva?

felix said...

pot sa vorbesc si sa citesc romaneste dar vreau sa scrie pe engleza pentru ca este mult mei usor pentru mine:
will say am uitat limba romana cind am citit acest commentari!

if i suggest that anomymous is the same person then this is for you:

first to answer the question:
asta este si parerea mea care scrie vlad! and there is nothing else to say further on.
and the cretins are those who are talking nonsens like you do. and the people who are responsible for all this bulidings and adverds in the city they should try to eat their money by putting it into their asses
and what i really hate is to critize anything here without having a name. that´s simply cowardly.
and to say something as a sort of a tourist. it is a value to transform a metro train by graffiti. and it´s even a greater value that they are not immediatly cleaned. and if you don´t like it, you can found a volunteer organisation against the so called vandalism and clean some trains, than to cry around here. metrorex will love you and maybe they will give you an advertising shield in a frame in one of their trains. but don´t forget to clean your ass before!

Vlad Nancă said...

Anonymous said...
"Bukresh este un oras varza, 80% commie buildings! Idee pentru Vlad, daca tot vrei sa faci ceva pentru orasul asta, pune un site cu aceste modernist "masterpieces of architecture", aratele valoarea, incepe un grass-roots movement. Daca tu nu ai timp, coopteaza pe altcineva, sau alfel zis put your money where your mouth is!"

Deocamdata tot ce pot sa fac este sa fotografiez cladiri (in curand o sa pun cateva imagine pe blog) Din pacate nu sunt un multimiliardar plictist care nu are ce sa faca cu banii. Tot ce pot sa fac este sa atrag atentia asupra degradarii cladirilor moderniste si sa incerc sa ajut oamenii sa priveasca Bucurestiul cu alti ochi.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.