Demolare Tricodava


Unknown said...

Hello there,

i am following the blogs concerning bucharest with deep interest. after all, because i am journalist, and writing at the moment about the topic: Public Space. And how different countries and cities deal with it. Last year i was in bucharest, amazed about this MEGAboard i would like to have an contact, or someone to tell me something about the current situation. What about this thing "Save our walls". Is there anyone who gives our magazine permission to print fotos from advertising billboardson bucharest facades?
Who can help me get more information...i would really apreciate! Please write to
thanks a lot and greeting from Vienna, Austria...
Norbert Philipp

Ionut said...

vlad, pune te rog o adresa. eu nu stiu unde a fost fabrica asta.

radu said...

pai a fost in drumul taberei, pe linia lui 41, la intersectia cu compozitorilor sau cum i-o mai fi zis. vis-a-vis de bil*a

Unknown said...

Adresa e: Intersectia Compozitorilor (1Mai mi se pare ca se numeste acum) si Brasov. Intrarea principala era vis-a-vis de Billa, o mare parte a fabricii e pe str. Brasov... Am copilarit si parintii mei mai stau inca vis-a-vis de Tricodava (pe Brasov). Cand eram copil, impreuna cu ceilalti ceilalti copii din bloc, jucam fotbal pe partea cu Tricodava si foloseam portile Tricodavei ca porti de fotbal. De f multe ori ori portarii Tricodavei ne taiau mingile de 35 lei (cei de 30 ani + stiu despre ce vorbesc:)) si ni le aruncau inapoi.

romy_snow said...

My name is Romy, i live in melbourne, Australia, and i'm currently studying textiles at university. So i found your blog and thought that because you seem to document the modern, realistic side of Romania & its culture. I was wondering if you had any pointers for me, or help in regards to Romanian culture, tradition, art and/or clothing, whether it be traditional or modern.
Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. My email is