Magazinul Cocor este un exemplu rar de arhitectura misto din perioada comunista... Se pare ca atitudinea "tot ce e vechi e urat si trebuie distrus" face o noua victima. Capitalismul ffw va transforma si Bucurestiul intr-un mall de dimensiuni gigantice iar singurele urme ale arhitecturii din comunism vor fi blocurile cele mai jalnice si Casa Poporului. De ceva vreme magazinul a fost acoperit de reclamele gigant pe care functionarii corupti din primarie inca le mai accepta... In curand se pare ca Magazinul va fi complet 'restaurat' si transformat intr-un ecran gigant destinat reclamelor.
As Lt. Col. Frank Slade would put it: What a crock of shit!
Bucharest doesn't want a 1000 meter screen for ads! It doesn't need to be labeled "worthy of being a modern European capital". What the hell is that?
Cocorul cam arată ca o hală industrială, dar şi aşa e mai bine decât un ecran imens...
BTW, linkul îmi dă eroarea: "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request."
Se pare ca au fost schimbate setarile la video... e inca acolo - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cocor+bucuresti numai ca nu se poate vedea...
les400 and bogdan, you guys are missing the point ... cocorul is getting a face change, that's exactly what it needs! yes, it's a giant screen, so what? it'll only fuel more underground movement, artists will hate it and be inspired to create against it, normal peeps will be wa wa wee wa cuz it'll look like in the movies :) ... get over yourself you whiners ;)
Cocorul doesnt need a face change,thats for sure, and destroying good 1970's architecture doesnt mean 'restauration' either. 1970's blocks of flats need the restauration. People wont say anything because they are not being asked... they didnt say anything about the shit on a stick in the Revolution Square, nor about Casa Republicii... it's not about the people its about the money ran quick winning interest of the corrupted politicians and the economical perssure from the business comunity all against any common sense. For some people destroying turn of the century architecture is worse than destroying a 1970's shopping center facade but really it's the same.
Plus how do you expect people to react in anyway before hand if the project video has been closed within hours of being made public on an 'underground' blog... Politicians and business people love taking decision without any public debate and the public might have got used to that after 50 years... so of course no one will say anything.
And, yes we are whiners, but we're open minded and we're not middle class wannabees capitalist cunts...
Hehe, middle-class wannabe cunts are all of us mister Vlad, you denying a better life for yourself and the people of this country is contrived to say the least! Now, I didn't say Cocorul is not a worthy piece of architecture, like you pointed out, it is one of the few interesting buildings build in the communist era. Yes, nobody consults us, do I like it? Hell no! Let me tell you a secret ... When a building goes up in Manhattan, people are consulted, but take a guess why ... It's because they're all empowered economically first of all, and they're all very proactive ... Is this how you see the citizens of Bucharest? I dont thik so!! So yes, you are whinner, you talk shit, you talk the same old tune, you reek of of self-importance because you're against capitalism ... Keep up the good work with site,
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